j. angielski gr 1

Język angielski

Open shut them, open shut them.

Give a little clap, clap, clap.

Open shut them, open shut them.

Put them in your lap, lap, lap.

Big and small. Big and small.

Big and small. Big, big, big, big.

Small, small, small. Big and small

. Big and small. Big, big, big, big.

Small, small, small.

Please. No, thank you.

Please. No, thank you.

Please. No, thank you.

Please, please, please, please.

No, thank you. Please.

No, thank you.

Please. No, thank you.

Please, please, please, please.

No, thank you. Fast and slow.

Fast and slow. Fast and slow.

Fast, fast, fast, fast.

Slow, slow, slow.

Fast and slow.

Fast and slow.

Fast, fast, fast, fast.

Slow, slow, slow.

Loud and quiet.

Loud and quiet.

Loud and quiet.

Loud, loud, loud, loud. Shh…quiet.

Loud and quiet. Loud and quiet.

Loud, loud, loud, loud. Shh…quiet.

Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo.

Peek-a, peek-a, peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo.

Peek-a-boo. Peek-a, peek-a, peek-a-boo!


Put on your boots, your boots, your boots.

Put on your boots, your boots, your boots.

Put on your boots. Let’s go outside.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up.

Put on your coat, your coat, your coat.

Put on your coat, your coat, your coat.

Put on your coat. Let’s go outside.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up.

Put on your scarf, your scarf, your scarf.

Put on your scarf, your scarf, your scarf.

Put on your scarf. Let’s go outside.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up.

Put on your hat, your hat, your hat.

Put on your hat, your hat, your hat.

Put on your hat. Let’s go outside.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up.